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UPROOTED (Reflections On Memory And it’s Loss)

A family story with a dramatic plot, covering important historical events whose outcome loudly echoes in the New millennium. The destiny of Prof. Dimitаr Atanasoff– educated in the USA and a significant contributor to world science – and of his multinational family, devoted to the development of post-war Bulgaria, is a mirror for the destinies of hundreds of people representing Bulgarian social elite. Instead of being able to apply their potential, all of them, educated and experienced, were wiped out – victims of the ignorance of the Communist coup d’etat on September 9th 1944.

Unfortunately, their names and deeds have been lost once again after the fall of the Berlin wall, swept away by the oblivion imposed by the communist legacy and society’s complacency.
The documentary poses a very important question: why is the harm caused by the communist regime underestimated, especially by Western establishments? The Holocaust was a concentrated evil in a finite period of time, whose horrors are unarguable; but similarly unarguable are the communist regime’s evils – a deep creeping process and the consequences of its depth and scale can still be seen everywhere in the world.

Director Biography – Vladimir Nikolaev Lyutskanov, Antoaneta Todorova Bachurova


1999-2019 A Smart Village, Bulgarian National Television, documentary series, 280 episodes x 54’ – director

2018 – 8’19’’, 85’/DCP , antology film, based on the novels of G. Gospodinov – producer; director of “The Late Gift”

2018 – The Temptation Pavel Koychev, 54’, documentary – director

2016 – The Flaneur, 54’/DCP, documentary – director


Vladimir Nikolaev Lyutskanov

Antoaneta Todorova Bachurova
Director, Writer, Producer
8 Minutes and 19 Seconds

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