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Clément Horvath, author and French specialist in World War II correspondence, has followed in the footsteps of an American officer in Europe, using his 250 letters written at the front. Interviewing historians, witnesses and veterans, exploring often-forgotten battlefields and sharing previously unpublished documents, he captured the reality of war in a two-hour documentary that makes us reflect on the importance of peace.

Director Biography – Clément HORVATH

Clément Horvath is a French author, filmmaker, collector and history buff who specializes in the correspondence of Allied soldiers from the Second World War. Over 20 years of research have led to the publication of three books, including the award-winning bestseller “Till Victory”, and several documentaries such as “The Missing Highlander” and more recently “Till the Job is Done”.

Director Statement

“A few months before the 80th anniversary of D-Day, when the last direct witnesses of this dark period in our history are leaving us and war is making a comeback in Europe, I think it’s necessary to remember what freedom and peace have cost us. Through this film, I wanted to capture the essence of war and the experiences of these young men thrown into its inferno, and I know that it will resonate strongly in the light of current events, which remind us that when memory is not preserved, history is an eternal cycle of repetition.”


Director, Producer, Writer
The Missing Highlander

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