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Alcácer do Sal’s history holds a lot of surprises from Ancient times, A luxuous roman domus begins to be excavated, the wealthy romans built amazing houses, richly decorated.
Away from the hustle and bustle of a port city like Alcácer do Sal, were the ideal retreat for the Empire elites.

During archeological excavations conducted in the roman villae for centuries hidden from our view, and despite the small area excavated by archaeologists, the discoveries are surprising.
a magnific discovery of our roman past, one of the rare representations of the Roman Empire centauromachy. A unique mosaic in Portugal.
The closest parallel to the Alcácer do Sal centaur mosaic was found in the Villa of Emperor Hadrian in Tivoli, near Rome.
In faraway Lusitania, many miles from Rome, it shows us how strongly Romanized the Portuguese territory was, how it was clearly in tune with the iconography of the entire empire. We can see here with this fabulous discovery of the centaur mosaic from Salacia, the degree of civilization, the degree of Romanization that existed there.

Raul Losada was born in Cascais in 1971. He graduated in television with a specialisation as an image reporter from the Escola Técnica de Imagem e Comunicação in 1996.
Throughout his professional career in television he has received several awards and honourable mentions for his work in the field of news reporting.
In 2014 he began his career in the field of producing and directing historical documentaries.

In 2016 he released his first documentary “Roman anchorage in Olisipo, the port of Lisbon in Roman times”, which was shown in several cinemas and museums. The documentary was available on the VideoClub platforms of NOS, Vodafone, Meo and Cabovisão and in the selection of films on board TAP Air Portugal. It was broadcast on Sic Noticias and Sic Internacional.
In 2019 it began collaborating with the company Era Arqueologia to produce a series of 1-minute episodes on history, archaeology, anthropology and conservation and restoration, having already produced more than 200 episodes on a weekly basis.

The most recent documentary “Echoes of the City of the Dead” has already received 17 nominations for the official selection of international festivals, 7 awards in the categories of “Best Documentary” “Best Historical Documentary” “Best Educational Film” “Best Production” and 4 Honourable Mentions for “Best Documentary”.
The documentary has been screened in Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, Switzerland, Poland, Croatia, Greece, Malta, India, Japan, Brazil and the United States in the official selection of film festivals.

Director Statement

“In this film, we delve into the captivating world of archaeology, where the past speaks to the present.
Through the lens of exploration and discovery, we uncover ancient mosaic and reveal the profound human stories embedded in the roman villa.
This isn’t just about art; it’s about understanding our shared history and the complexities of civilizations long gone. Join us on this cinematic journey as we unearth the wonders of our world’s hidden past.”

Raul Losada
Director, Writer, Producer

Luiz Henrique
Post-Production Audio

Cesar Figueiredo
3D Virtual Archaeology

Ordem de Cavalaria do Sagrado Portugal
Historical Figuration

Câmara dos Ofícios
Historical Figuration

Zé Valdeira

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