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The documentary “Once Upon A Time In Lower Town” tries to bring the history and the present – both textbook and street – of Lower Town, one of the neighborhoods of Osijek, town in Croatia, in an educational and entertaining way.
Taking into account several generations, the story is told through the words and thoughts of the ‘ little man’ and touches on topics such as immigration in the 20th century and emigration in the 21st century, relations with other parts of the town, the borders with the nearest neighbors, the destroyed industry and cinemas, and many others.

Director Biography – Hrvoje Petrović

Born in Osijek and have lived there since 1986. After graduating from high school, I studied history and pedagogy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Osijek. For the last six years I have worked as an educator in the SOS Children’s Village in Ladimirevci with young people of school age.



Hrvoje Petrović
Director, Writer

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