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Mustafa Pasha Yamulki a struggler for justice

Mustafa Pasha Yamulki
An interesting character who raises many questions.
Although he was not a Turk, he reached highest ranks in the Ottoman Empire.
During the Istanbul tribunals, 1919-1920 he was a judge and later the presiding judge of the court.
He sentenced to death the main perpetrators of the Armenian genocide, He did not hesitate to impose the death penalty on Grand Vizier Tal’at Pasha and Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

Although many of the perpetrators had escaped, the punishments were later carried out by Armenian avengers in “Operation Nemesis”.
While the Ta’ali, Taraqi and Young Turks were systematically destroying all evidence of the Armenian genocide.
Yamulki handed over hundreds of important documents to the Armenian Patriarch in Istanbul after being sealed and certified in court, which later became the main and most important evidence of the crimes of Armenian genocide.
As the nationalist Turks became stronger, they brought several charges against Yamulki, but he never acted as an accused in court.
Even in the cage of the accused, he was the same fair judge.
From there, he pointed out in detail the crimes committed by the Pashas of the Ottoman Empire against the Armenians.
He never regretted having sentenced these criminals to death when he was a judge.
This documentary tells the story of a struggler for justice.


Director Biography – Horen GHAREEB, Hardi Qadir Ibrahim

Horen Ghareeb RAOOF
 Filmmaker and producer from Kurdistan – Iraq
Studied Theatre and drama arts in Baghdad, Started working for local TVs since early 90s
And working as Documentary director and producer since 1999
Selected Projects
• – Director/ writer
• “A Bit Before Heaven” experimental short video
• “Gold” Documentary
• “Dust” Documentary
• “Animal Skin” Documentary 

• “Milk” Documentary 

• “Music Day” Documentary 

• “Hazhar Zahawi” Documentary 

• “Chord” Documentary 

• “Sabir the Fisherman” Documentary 

• “Bicycle” Short Video art 

• “Closer to Sun” Documentary 

• “Wunderbar\Wonderful” Documentary 

• “A man of Snow” experimental documentary 

• “Sealed Garden” Documentary

• “Sleeping in Ruins” Documentary

• 26 Episodes of Human Rights TV Magazine for IWPR – Iraq
• More than 40 documentaries for Kurdsat ltd.
• More than 300 documentaries for Rûdaw News Network
Festivals and Awards
• Participating in local and international festivals in, Germany, Sweden, UK, Australia, Albania, and Qatar. 

• Jury Member for several local film festivals 

• Supervising and art directing for more than 250 documentaries, and 2002-2019 

• 2006-2008: Worked as Kurdistan coordinator for London Kurdish Film Festival, and Kurdish film festival in Melbourne, Au. 2007
First prize at Angrid film Festival, Sweden for the video (A Bit Before Heaven) 2002 
Best video art prize, at Melbourne film festival, for the video (Bicycle) 2007
“Sleeping in Ruins won several awards in Greece, Mexico, Russia, Croatia, and UK.

Hardi Qadir Ibrahim
Director and Editor
Selected Works
⁃ Director\Editor
▪ My brother’s pigeons
▪  Forsaken horses of Mosul ( Work in progress) 

▪  (Amedi) documentary 

▪  (Who assassinated AbdwlKhaliq Ma’aroof) Documentary 

▪  (Ali Boskani – Story of assassination) Documentary 

▪  (Shindar) short documentary – link attached – 

▪  (Slaughterhouse) short documentary – link attached in the application – 
Editing more than 100 documentaries in the past 15 years like (1001 Apples) directed by Taha Kareemi 
May festival participations, several awards 

Work Experience Highlights:
▪  Editor, Cameraman, production manager at Rûdaw TV 

▪  Manager of Editing department at NRT Sat. 

▪  Manager of Editing department at Al-Iraqiya Sat. Sulaymaniyah Office 

▪  One of the establishing team of GK Sat. and worked there as Cameraman, Editor and Director 

▪ Program producer, Editor and Director at Gali Kurdistan TV 2004 – 2008

▪  Best documentary at Chira Film Festival for (Slaughterhouse) 2012
▪  Best video edit at Kolkata Shorts International Film Festival for (The First Story) 2014
▪  Best Cinematography at History Film Festival (Croatia) for (Sleeping in Ruins) 2022

Director Statement

Genocide denial, is continuing the massacre.

Director, Writer, Producer

Hardi Qadir Ibrahim

Kaywan Salahaddin

Peshawa Hama Saeed

Shirwan Bakhtiar

Hardi Qadir

Khaybar Rafiq

Areg Kozmoyan

Krmanj Faraj

Garegin Papoyan

Tigran Galstian

Hardi Qadir

Dana Nawzad
Light and Sound

Botan Jamal
Light and Sound

Mariwan Abdullah

Evin Gharib

Barham Tayeb
Art Director

Rekar Barzan
Assistant Art Director

Hemn Salah
Assistant Art Director

Salam Khayat

Majid Salih

Dana Nawzad
Production Manager

Zana Kayani

Rebwar Ali

Shkar Kamal

Niaz Mohammed
Sound recording

Jutiar Qareman
Sound recording

Barham Tayeb

Andranik Harutyunyan
Translation from Armenian

Hussein Omar
Translation from French

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