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The debate that never was but should have been between two of the greatest leaders of the nineteenth century.

The complicated relationship between President Abraham Lincoln and famed Abolitionist/Statesman Frederick Douglass will be brought to life during the world premiere of a heated debate that never was but should have been. Charles Cook, an Emmy-nominated documentarian who resides locally, has reached back in history to create a riveting stage production that draws from the actual speeches and writings of two 19th century leaders who had much at stake should their goals not be achieved. Acclaimed professional actors Fred Morsell and Robert Gleason will take center stage as Fredrick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln as they wage a charged, albeit imaginary, debate about the future of Black freedmen in a post-slavery America, the prospects for racial equality, and the unforeseen challenges of Black and White Americans in post-Civil war years.
Charlie Cook
Director, Writer, Producer

Robert Gleeson
Key Cast

Frederick Mosell
Key Cast

Eric Herr
Key Cast
“Moderator “

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