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Timeless events happen in a shop in a small village. A craftsman carries out his work in a meticulous manner by receiving the “thoughts” of the inhabitants (in the form of letters) who for various reasons are far from their homeland. The story will take completely unexpected turns when even the Artisan’s certainties vanish and the protagonist finds himself faced with the inevitability of making a choice. In this short film we want to underline the unpredictability of the events that arise before us during our existence and the transience of what we consider certainties.

Director Biography – Pietro Ragusa

Da circa 9 anni vivo nel Regno Unito. Sono sempre stato un appassionato di cinema in particolar modo del cinema Espressionista Tedesco. Mi sono più volte cimentato nella realizzazione di Cortometraggi e Documentari riguardanti il mio territorio e le sue tradizioni. Dopo quasi 12 anni ho ripreso in mano la videocamera.

Director Statement

Il proprio territorio possiede innumerevoli spunti per idee… basta solo conoscere le proprie radici.

Pietro Ragusa
Director, Writer, Producer

Vincenzo Rogato
Key Cast
“The Artisan “

Giuseppe Tortomasi
Director of Photography

Luigi Montalbano

Stefano Alfano
Assistant Director

Mariano B.
Sound Design

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