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Five actors embark on a journey to Poland. The personal and shared journey turns into a powerful experience they will never forget.

Ayelet Heller is documentary filmmaker. Over the past 25 years she has created and directed dozens of films and TV series, addressing the human side of complex political conflicts, key events in the history of Israeli society, social tensions and identities in contemporary Israel, and others.

Director Statement

The discussions and debates in Israel regarding the teens’ trips to Poland were always part of the public discourse. Some claim these trips are detrimental, others think that the experiences throughout the trip are important for all, especially for the teens about to enlist in the IDF.
This debate is the basis for this film – what do the trips mean to the teens themselves?
Together with Uri Meiselman, a legendary guide and major supporter of the trips, we set out with five well-known actors on a journey to Poland between life and death, with a world that was and is now extinct.
Another important element was added to the journey – an encounter between the Israeli actors and Polish teens who volunteer to tend to and clean Jewish cemeteries.
The film, with the teens’ emotions and insights and the typical vitality of kids this age, educate on the importance of the trip to the young Israeli society and proves that despite the reasons against them, the trips to Poland are necessary and justified.

Ayelet Heller
Director, Writer

Zafrir Kochanovsky

Miri Ezra

Romi Aviram
Key Cast

Tom Amsellem
Key Cast

Amir Banai
Key Cast

Ofek Ben Meir
Key Cast

Yaron Weinstein

Yasmine Novak

Yosi Appelbaum
Sound Design

Lior Perla

Bentsi Gafni

Yariv Yogev

Asaf Yecheskel

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