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Good evening, we’re from Barcelona

film made by activists who lived for a month in the Plaça de Catalunya in Barcelona after the start of the full-scale russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022

Director Biography – Lyubava Malysheva, Oleksandr Valko

Lyubava Malysheva – born in the USSR, lives in Barcelona. Journalist, publisher, producer, videographer.

Oleksandr Valko – born in Ukraine, lives in Barcelona. Video producer, stream & video maker, videographer. Works with music and television projects in Ukraine and other countries.

Director Statement

The film “Good evening, we’re from Barcelona” was made by several authors cooperating together to talk about the work of Ukrainian diaspora during the war. We have uploaded the English version of the film to the site. We also have Ukrainian versions of the film and trailer. We will be happy to provide them. The film contains emotionally difficult videos taken during the war, as well as symbolic theatrical scenes that signify and condemn violence.


Lyubava Malysheva
Director, Producer

Oleksandr Valko

Ostap Petrushchak
Key Cast

Olena Romanyuk
Key Cast

Lyubov Petlovana
Key Cast

Mykola Pashyn
Key Cast

Darya Tkachenko
Key Cast

Arina Vasylyk
Key Cast

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