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Southern Germany in the 14th century. The young Trutwin lives a secluded life with his mother in a small cottage at the edge of the forest. Nothing disturbs his carefree childhood. His mother protects him but also restricts his development. He feels suffocated and wants to escape the cottage to find out on his own what lies beyond his small world. When his mother falls seriously ill and becomes dependent on him, Trutwin must learn to stand on his own feet and face the challenges of life. He grows through his experiences, gradually becoming more independent, and for the first time in his life, he must make decisions for himself about what is best to do. Along the way, he overcomes hurdles to help his mother, stumbles, and picks himself back up. A great task and race against time begins. Now, he is on his own. Will he find his way?

The short film is a coming-of-age drama set in the Middle Ages. To provide the audience with an authentic insight into the everyday life of that time, all the dialogues in the film have been carefully translated into Middle High German – the written language of the era. This way, not only do viewers get an idea of how people spoke back then, but they can also experience the roots of our language. Special attention was also given to the set design, costumes, shooting locations, and music, all of which are as authentic as possible. “Dû bist mîn ich bin dîn” tells the story of a young person at a crossroads, dealing with their fears, worries, and hopes. Emotions that many people experience when they are just starting their journey in life. The old ends, and something new begins. It also sheds light on a way of life and culture that are nearly forgotten in our consciousness today. Together with Trutwin, the audience discovers this foreign world.

Director Biography – Tim Gerbert

Tim Gerbert was born on October 28, 2001, near Stuttgart. After completing his technical college entrance qualification with a focus on media and design, he started an apprenticeship as a media designer for image and sound. Film has been his great passion since a young age and has been accompanying him for a long time. After completing his apprenticeship, he will study film direction.

Director Statement

Since I was a child, I have tried to captivate the people around me with the topics that inspired me. I attempted to make them feel what I felt. Sometimes, that was challenging. When I was nine, I discovered my father’s digital camera and with it, the medium of film. For the first time, I could show people what I had in mind. I could make them laugh, make them sad, and convey my enthusiasm for certain subjects. For the first time, they saw what I saw and felt. That’s what film means to me. To me, it combines all art forms. When I wrote the screenplay, I had finished school, was at a crossroads and had to decide for myself what my future should look like. This theme also manifested in the story of my short film. Moreover, I am passionate about history and found a way to connect both themes. That’s why the short film means a lot to me, and I wanted to make it as historically accurate as possible. It was to be a medieval film in an authentic language since I had already contact with Middle High German beforehand. I then looked for people who were equally passionate about film, and an incredibly fantastic team came together. Working as a director on a film project is the greatest thing for me. I love immersing myself in the characters, delving into the time and everyday lives of people, creating worlds, and shaping the mood in each scene. Storyboarding is also a passion of mine. I can’t imagine anything more beautiful. Also working with the actors! This is what I’m passionate about! I am grateful to everyone who supported me in bringing my story to life!



Tim Gerbert
Director, Writer, Producer

Julian Steinbeck
Key Cast

Hannah Jaitner
Key Cast

Holger Schlosser
Key Cast

Rebecca Gadge
Key Cast
“Maid Maria”

Michael Kienzle
Key Cast

Caius Bohnenberger

Arkady Gavrilov

Silas Jirikovsky
Boom operator

Fabian Supper
Boom operator

Johannes Baun

Silas May
Drone operator

Jan-Linus Müller

Lea Winter

Oliver Gerbert
Hair and makeup

Janine Mittelmann
Hair and makeup

Joel Messner

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