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A group of people reunites years after the end of the First World War to submit a compensation claim to the new government. They all claim to have been unjustly imprisoned by the old Austro-Hungarian Empire. However, as they recount their experiences, a disturbing truth emerges.

Director Biography – Andrea Benato

Born in 1990, always passionate about film and history, he graduated in history in 2023. In the same year, he also obtained a diploma in directing from the National School of Independent Cinema in Florence, Italy. In 2023, he worked as a production assistant on the film “19”, directed by Giovanni Tortorici and produced by Luca Guadagnino. In the same role, he also contributed to a documentary for RAI (Italian national public broadcaster). For years, he has collaborated with the actor and theater director Marco Scattolini, with whom he has produced the following works: “Why?” in 2020 (presented at the 77th Venice Film Festival in the exhibition space of the Veneto Region); “Escape into Madness” in 2021 (featured at the “èStoria” festival in Gorizia); “The Last Voices of the Great War” in 2023 (Official selection at the Caorle Independent Film Festival, Winner of the Los Angeles Film Awards for “Best docu-fiction”).

Director Statement

Can history be cool, even pop? That’s my challenge, and I’m hoping this project heads in that direction. There are people who haven’t made it into the history books, but their stories deserve to be told.

Andrea Benato
Director, Writer, Producer
The last voices of the Great War

Marco Scattolini
Key Cast
The last voices of the Great War

Luigina Comin
Key Cast
The last voices of the Great War

Luca Favro
Key Cast
“Parish priest”

Giulia Onnis
Key Cast
The last voices of the Great War

Alberto Nao
Key Cast

Andrea Amplatz
The last voices of the Great War

Artiom Costantinov
Sound technician
Cinema Arturo

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