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HIFFA 2024 Timeframe 2: Migration Period – Middle Ages

Left Foot Forward

In a world ruled by superstitions, a skeptical non-believer intentionally defies tradition. Yet, as personal stakes escalate, her rebellious certainty takes a turn, leading her to gradually open to the unknown. Watch this film here from July 9th to 15th 2024 Director - Mor Lankri A writer-director. Mor explores magic realist narratives across various media, including…

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Andronico Comneno

Although rich, complex and extremely fascinating, Byzantine history has been rarely the subject of movies. Moreover, from 1908’s “Les torches humaines” to 2012’s “Fetih 1453”, screenwriters have generally focused on either the life of Justinian I and his spouse Theodora or on the fall of Constantinople. “Andronico Comneno” is an attempt to reignite the spark…

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A jewel on the ground

A documentary about the ups and downs history of the historical village of Faryomad and its thousand-year-old mosque, whose glory and beauty have been described in the researches of many experts such as Andre Godard, Donald Wilber and Sheila Blair. Watch this film here from July 9th to 15th 2024 Trailer Mohammad Hassan Abedinezhad Director,…

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