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Although rich, complex and extremely fascinating, Byzantine history has been rarely the subject of movies. Moreover, from 1908’s “Les torches humaines” to 2012’s “Fetih 1453”, screenwriters have generally focused on either the life of Justinian I and his spouse Theodora or on the fall of Constantinople. “Andronico Comneno” is an attempt to reignite the spark of curiosity toward the core of Byzantine history and, in particular, toward the turbulent years of the Komnenian dynasty. Moving away from stereotypical Byzantine imagery, “Andronico Comneno” is an oneiric, weird voyage, whose goal is capturing the pure, abstract essence of the Komnenian era. The grandeur of Byzantine art and architecture is evoked by contradiction through claustrophobic spaces lighted up only by candles: symbols of the creeping foreboding of a looming doom mingled with the desperate desire for hope that characterized those years. The grotesque masks are ghosts of a forgotten civilization, whose face appears difficult to understand and yet strangely familiar…’


“Andronico Comneno” is part of a Byzantine dilogy dedicated to two Roman emperors: Manuel I Komnenos and Andronikos I Komnenos. The dilogy itself is part of a larger series comprising 37 short movies, “KYKLOS” (, which was completed in 2023 after 20 years. . Apart from a couple of scenes, the whole movie has been shot by candlelight. . The screenplay is mostly based on the account of the latest years of Andronikos I Komnenos’ life featured in Niketas Choniates’ “Χρονική Διήγησις” (“Historia”). . The mask of Manuel I Komnenos and the mask of Mary Nikopoia (appearing in the end-credits scene) were already featured in the 2019 short film “Manuele Comneno”. . Not all masks are based on actual images of the corresponding characters. For instance, the mask of Stephen Hagiochristophorites is based on a mosaic traditionally interpreted as representing Belisarius. . “Andronico Comneno” has been shot in Italy and Greece.



Lorenzo Leucio Domenico Incardona
Director, Writer, Producer

Jacopo Andreoli
Key Cast
“Andronico I Comneno [voice]”

Ivan Coscia
Key Cast
“Andronico I Comneno [body]”

Federico Coscia
Key Cast
“Teodosio [voice]”

Paolo Corsetti
Key Cast
“Teodosio [body]”

Leonardo Corsetti
Key Cast
“Stefano Agiocristoforita [voice]”

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