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Brazil 1970. Zé walks away from his upper-middle-class life and joins the resistance against the military regime. Together with his partner Bete, both abandon public life to fight the system meanwhile raise two kids. Based on the life of José Carlos Novais da Mata-Machado who dies under torture at the age of 27, falsely accused of betraying his companions.

Director Biography – Rafael Conde

Master of Arts / Cinema from São Paulo University and PhD in Performing Arts from Rio de Janeiro University with a visiting scholar program in Performance Studies at New York University. He directed documentaries for Rede Minas de Televisão (Brazilian educative network). He was coordinator of Cine Humberto Mauro and Film Sector of the Clovis Salgado Foundation. He is a research professor at the School of Fine Arts, Minas Gerais University. In theater he co-directed the play A joke (2015-2016), for the CCBB circuit, and directed the project Scenic Experiments with the Grupo Galpão (2019). He has published several articles. Launched in 2019, by the publisher of UFMG, the book The Actor and the Camera: Investigations about the Encounter in the Movie Set.

Director Statement

Based on a true story.
Zé is the leader of the Brazilian Student Movement and participates in a resistance group against the military dictatorship in Brazil (1964-73). Persecuted, he chooses clandestinity. He leaves his upper middle-class life in order to live with the people, carrying out the work of literacy and political awareness of the poorest. He meets his partner Bete, with whom he has 2 children. During his time in hiding, he welcomes Gilberto, Bete’s brother, as a new militant. Gilberto is, however, an informant for the repressive regime. Zé dies under torture at the age of 27, falsely accused by the military of having betrayed all his companions, still missing until today.


Rafael Conde
Director, Writer

Anna Flávia Dias

Samarone Lima
Based on the Novel José Carlos Novais da Mata Machado, uma reportagem by

Samantha Capdeville

Caio Horowicz
Key Cast

Eduarda Fernandes
Key Cast

Samantha Jones
Key Cast

Rafael Protzner
Key Cast

Sara Não Tem Nome
Original Song by

Victor Galvão
Original Song by

Pedro Durães
Music by

Fabian Remy
Film Editor

Luís Abramo
Director of Photography

Oswaldo Lioi
Production Designer

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