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Set in the First World War, the film tells the story of two enemy soldiers who are full of hope, dreams, desires and love, but also full of fear and sadness. When they suddenly face each other on the battlefield while experiencing hell on earth, the core of being human comes to the surface and we can also see the true meaning of war…

Director Biography – Benjamin Baumgartner

Benjamin Baumgartner is an actor and director and first appeared in front of the camera at the age of 6 in the multimedia film production “The House of Dreams”. Since 2014 he is part of the ensemble of the Romantik Theater where he is playing performances every season. Since 2021 he has been hosting and producing programmes for the international broadcaster “Arcadia TV World”, including the programme “The World and I”, which he hosts himself.

Director Statement

In many films, no matter how visually brutal they may be, the plot is often wrapped up in a heroic story, which unfortunately does not always correspond to the truth. The truth is the suffering that people have to endure day after day in a war. Our aim is to produce a film that is as realistic as possible in its subject matter, that touches people and raises awareness of this important issue.

That’s why I think that because of recent wars and events we have seen world wide we have to set a sign and work for peace and for a Brotherhood of Nations all around the world.


Benjamin Baumgartner
Director, Writer, Producer, Key Cast

Lucian Stifter
Key Cast

Roland Baumgartner
Film Music

Fabian Thomas Hörler

Naftali Badawassou Francisco
Script Supervisor

Irina Chiara Augenstern
Makeup Design

GF da Green Fist

Lukas Galle

Armin Marczinyas
Sound Engineer

Michal Hudak
Song Mastering

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