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The last known fatality of the Spanish Civil War in Torelló was a republican soldier. A boy between 25 and 30 years old who, after being shot by Franco’s troops on the night of February 4, 1939, was found the next day lifeless in the area known as El Puig.
Following the orders of the local Francoist authorities, the soldier was buried on the edge of the place where he had been killed.

The traumatic repression of the Franco dictatorship, in the first instance, and the inevitable passage of time, condemned “The Puig soldier” to oblivion for almost eighty years.

Director Biography – Jordi Campàs Reig

Master in TV production from the UPC University of Barcelona, Jordi Campàs i Reig (Torelló 1968) has directed the programs El Celobert TV, In Situ, In Situ Redux, Documental 39, Especial Pau Riba and the last concert of Joan Manuel Serrat.

His all-terrain experience in various TVC formats has led him to work as a producer in a long curriculum of programs, where musicals such as Sputnik and Loops! stand out, to children with the legendary Súper3 and especially documentaries in Sense Ficció producing between of others Anatomy of a king, What do we eat? Paco’s cinema, #Omnium 50A, Forensics, 16 judges, Pilots, Contraband, Intermittent history of Parliament, “Ángel Casas, tal com raja”, Bon dia joves…

Jordi Campàs Reig

Marina Comas Oller
Key Cast
Pa negre, Els nens salvatges.

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