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Sea Launch is the world’s first floating spaceport. Until Feb 2020 its permanent homeport was Long Beach, Los Angeles. These are the last 48 hours before it’s sent to Vladivostok for reconstruction to a new basing location. These are the last 48 hours of the spaceport in its original design.

Director Biography – Egor Ivanov

Born and raised in Southern Yakutia, Neryungri. Studied economics in Novosibirsk from 2005-2010. Started directing in 2011. Studied filmmaking at NYFA in Los Angeles in 2014. Moved to Moscow in 2015 and started directing commercial projects. Significant ones were for Olympic Channel (documentary films featuring athletes from the former CIS countries) for brands like Adidas, Porsche, and S7. Currently, lives in Kazakhstan.

Director Statement

Originally, Sea Launch was conceived as a large-scale project. The deconstruction, transportation, and towing were meant to be the starting point for a film. However, right after we documented this event, the world was hit by the COVID pandemic. Everyone suddenly had other priorities, and the modernization of the cosmodrome took a back seat.

Nevertheless, we were able to capture a historic moment. For the first time in its history, Sea Launch permanently changed its homeport. We managed to witness it in its fading glory during its final 48 hours in California before the towing process began, capturing an image that will likely never be seen again.

I decided that this material deserves at least a short form. It is essentially a portrait of a unique space and maritime structure, created through international collaboration long before the era of SpaceX. It is a massive, creaking, old, yet powerful and majestic spaceport that its own team sends off on what may be its final mission.

Egor Ivanov
Director, Writer, Editor

Tatiana Gapurova

Alexey Krasnov

Artur Gubin

Konstantin Mednikov
Sound, Music

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