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Latin and Illyrian with English subtitles
Country of Origin: Croatia
Director: Simon Bogojevic Narath
Producer: Ankica Juric Tilic

The year is 37 BC. A young Liburnian Volsus is taken by a Roman unit to help in what at first seems a simple task of collecting taxes, but the encounters with local Illyrian tribes soon lead to unexpected turns of events, as they show more resilience to subjugation than meets the eye. We see their archaic, emotional world of quaint and brutal laws and traditions through the eyes of this youngster, regarded by the Romans as a primitive barbarian, and gradually come to understand that their world is not all that different from our own.


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* To get the password and watch this film online, available during our online festival from 9 to 15 August 2023, you have to register for FREE via the TAKE PART button or directly contact

Director Biography – Simon Bogojevic Narath

Simon Bogojević Narath graduated in 1992 from the Painting Department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. As a director, art director, CGI artist/animator or graphical designer, he has been working for the past twenty years on numerous art and commercial projects.

He directs, animates and produces animated/experimental films for which he has received many Croatian and international recognitions and awards. His film “Morana” was awarded at Annecy International Animated Film Festival and his film “Leviathan” was awarded Best Animated Film and Special Mention of the Young Jury at Clermont-Ferrand. After directing several short animated and experimental films, he filmed his debut feature film “Illyricvm” for which he also wrote the screenplay.

My passionate curiosity for history, archaeology, genetics, and ethnology drives me to question the concept of identity – my own or that of the community I belong to. Yet, what makes the identity of a community? Is it what we call culture? Does it change with time or remains the same in its core? The idea of this film has sprung from curiosity: how different are we, after all, from people who walked the same grounds two thousand years ago? How much of “their” culture and their relation toward the individual or the community have we inherited, if any? Is there any relation between “their” ethics/morality and ours? My intention is to bring our “distant relatives” back to life: their fears, hopes, antagonisms, and love. The intention of the film is to take the viewers on a journey through time, make them voyeurs and witnesses of times long gone, and to give them a documentary insight into people and communities of long ago, who are at the same time distant as cultures and civilizations and yet close to us, not only in terms of geography but as human beings.

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